Birth Day

Following up on my last post, in which I introduced Marley, here are a few more pictures and details.  These are all from the day she was born – a most magical day for me.

Through out the night, while I was laboring, we burned candles given to me by various friends and family members wishing me well for the birth.  Marley took her time coming out, and many of the candles burned to the bottom.  I loved having them there with me.



Before Marley was born, I told my midwives that the only thing I would have changed about Eila’s birth (which I had at the same birth center) would be more photographs.  So they had me bring a camera this time, and they made sure to capture some of the most important moments from Marley’s birth.  Including some moments I wasn’t sure I’d want to see pictures of, so it actually took me until today (almost a week later) to bring myself to look at them.  But I’m really glad I have them now.  Some of them are a little too much for this blog (though they’re actually my favorites), but here is one from that series, right when my midwife first handed Marley up to me…




Here’s Papa Kane, holding his newest love…





Then we got to spend the rest of the day just resting and loving on Marley, right there where she was born.


kate and marley



Postpartum doulas, who were all wonderful, took good care of us.  Any time we wanted anything, they’d get it for us.  In the afternoon on Marley’s birth day, I asked for a cup of tea.  When they brought it to me, it came on a tray next to this carrot cake birthday treat…


happy birthdayy, marley


This made me VERY happy.

birthday carrot cake


This was also the day that Shaelyn, Davia and Eila came to meet their new baby sister.  I shared some pictures from that visit in my last post, but here’s one more.  It’s our first famiy-of-six photo.


First Family Photo



Such an incredibly happy, special, perfect day.

Marley Jayne

Marley Jayne has arrived!  Showed up on Tuesday, September 10th.  She was born by candle light in the wee hours of the morning, in a cozy birth center in Portland, Oregon.  She’s wonderful.  Here are some photos from her first few days of life.

Marley Jayne

Kate and Marley

Marley Toes


big sister


Marley, Mama and Papa

Davia and Marley

Shaelyn and Marley

Mama, Marley, Eila

Marley and Papa Hand

First Outfit

Marley’s First Outfit

First Time Outside

First Time Outside

Shaelyn Time

Davia Time
