Ms Bigins Egg Hant

This is a book Shaelyn wrote and illustrated when she was four that we had the joy of rediscovering recently.



(Ms. Biggen’s Egg Hunt)

by Shaelyn


Easter Book



(It was Easter morning.)

(It was Easter morning.)


(But the Easter Bunny wasn't done yet.)

(But the Easter Bunny wasn’t done yet.)


(But there were still more eggs left.)

(But there were still more eggs left.)


(Only the most special egg was left.)

(Only the most special egg was left.)


(The egg him himself would go in.)

(The egg him himself would go in.)


(Soon the egg was found.)

(Soon the egg was found.)


(Happy Easter.)

(Happy Easter.)






Miscellaneous Updates

Here’s what’s going on, in no particular order…


Let It Go:

Eila saw her first full movie in a theater a few weeks ago.  The movie was Frozen.  Here is Eila reenacting a scene from the movie while painting a bird house:


No News:

As you may have noticed, Tuesday Newsday has been off the air recently.  This is partly because we’re doing the garden club at the big girls’ school on Tuesday afternoons.  (I lead the garden club, and all three girls are my captive participants, along with a couple other kids.)  We would probably be doing our news a different day, but I’ve also started watching some other kids three days a week, and there’s just not enough time for everything!


Sharing Shoes:

The downside of having daughters old enough to wear your clothes is that when they borrow your flip flops, they may get left outside.  And though once black, they may now be brown.

My Flops



A Boat:

The girls’ school had their annual Family Fitness Night last week, and there were lots of emergency vehicles there for the kids to check out.  (Why not?)  I thought Eila would be excited about the fire engine, but she actually preferred this boat.  She was the first of the three girls brave enough to hop in.  Even let the strange police man pick her up to bring her aboard.

Girls in Boat



We’re going to find out whether the new baby (due in September) is a boy or a girl on Monday!  Will keep you posted.  And speaking of babies, when I read this book to Eila, she always makes the same comment when we get to this page.  “Oh!  It’s Mama Baby and Eila Baby!”




Slowly but surely, I am learning to use a sewing machine.  Here you can see some cloth baby wipes I’m making.  Clearly, that’s going well.

Cloth Wipes

Note:  After seeing this picture, my lovely sister-in-law, Jenna, told me I needed to flip my bobbin.  She was absolutely right, and that helped for a few minutes.  Then this happened:





I know it looks like the same problem, but it’s not.  (Jenna, help?)



I’ll post about this separately soon, but the girls and I are attempting to learn sign language.  Not fluently, but we have a goal of 350 signs.  Here is a video of Eila and I practicing our signs.  I’m pretty sure Eila’s are the ASL equivalent of gibberish, but we have fun!



And that’s our update for today.  Stay tuned!

