Our Bones, drawings by Shaelyn and Davia

Shaelyn and Davia are VERY excited about Halloween.  Their favorite place to go is the local Spirit Store, a Halloween chain superstore.  Luckily they (so far, at least) don’t ask to buy anything.  But they’ll spend a good hour in there if you’ll let them, walking around, looking at all the spooky stuff.  Their favorite section is the zombie baby section.  From severed limbs and loose eyeballs, to bloody nurse costumes and the talking Freddy statue, there’s nothing in there so creepy that they don’t love looking at it.  At home, they love brainstorming about Halloween costumes.  And Halloween is a very common theme in their art these days.  They each did a drawing of our family, as skeletons.

by Davia

by Shaelyn

















And if you’ve ever seen Nightmare Before Christmas, you might get a kick out of the following drawing by Shaelyn:

Jack, dressed up as a princess, by Shaelyn

The Fruits of Kane’s Labor, and the Labor of Kane’s Fruit

This weekend wraps up Kane’s first week working for Laika.  (For more information about his new company, check out the Laika link on the right under “blogroll”.)  He’s really excited about working for what seems to be a great company, and also about the project that he’ll be working on there, a stop-motion animated film called Paranorman.  He likes his coworkers and is making contacts and connections on that front.  And the job is keeping him very busy and engaged, challenging him and offering him plenty of chances to demonstrate his skills.  A new job can be intimidating, and becoming acclimated to it is almost like another job on top of the job itself.  So Kane is often tired when he comes home at the end of the day.

But he’s never too tired to read bedtime stories to Shaelyn and Davia.

Shaelyn snapped this shot of Kane on his way upstairs with a bedtime book.

And Kane’s ladies at home are all very proud of him and how hard he’s working.  And, of course, happy to see him when he comes home.

Kane’s also had his creative juices flowing at home in his own time, and he’s been working on Captain Pickle and Wonder Yam’s newest foes, the Bad Fruit Five.  He’s got some paintings of these guys in mind, coming soon, but you can check out what he’s done so far with them on his portfolio:  http://kanesportfolio.blogspot.com/  (which you can also find a link to under “blogroll”)

Sour Grape, one of the Bad Fruit Five

Fairies and Cats, by Shaelyn

Shaelyn and Davia can both often be found busily drawing, writing and coloring away on the living room floor.  We’ve been here just a week, and there’s already a small mountain of their creations on our shelf!  I asked them a few days ago if either of them wanted to draw something to post on our blog, and Shaelyn hopped right on that job.  Here’s what she wanted to share with you all:

A Belly in the Woods – at 34 weeks

photo by Shaelyn

photo by Davia

As per Jenna’s request, we took some belly photos in the woods behind our house this weekend.








As you can see, Kate is getting rounder every day.  It is not uncommon for her to knock things over with her belly or get stuck trying to walk between two things.  The baby inside the belly is very active and, Kate believes, possesses super-human strength.  (Lauren pointed out that, given the baby’s parents, this is not likely.)  But she is VERY strong!

Even though at times the baby seems to have a mean sense of humor (based on the timing, intensity and location of certain kicks) she keeps us all very entertained, and we love her to pieces.  We can’t wait to meet her!  Which is good, because we won’t be waiting much longer…


Home Sweet (new) Home

We made it!  All 5/5 of us are safe and sound in Portland.  (Actually, we’re technically in Hillsboro, just west of Portland.)  We’re all doing well and enjoying settling into our new home.

We left Sunnyvale on Tuesday, hours behind schedule.  Mary stayed home from work to help us get out the door, which was much needed and appreciated.  Jeanna and her two littlest ones came by for a very sweet and sad goodbye.  Jan also stopped by to see us off, baring a gift of a gorgeous dragonfly (dead) for the girls, and spent at least half an hour out front helping Kane wrestle with the truck and the trailer.  Mary gave us our final hugs and some encouraging words as we got into the car.

From there, our trip up here was action packed, with an overnight stop in Chico (many thanks to Justin, Lauren and Rosalind for their help and hospitality), an early morning shuttle trip for Kate and the girls to the Sacramento airport and an exhausting marathon of loading, driving and unloading for Kane.  At the airport, Kate and the girls had to brave long lines, grumpy fellow travelers and nosy security agents.  The long lines and heavy backpacks were declared “the worst thing that ever happened to me” several times by certain smaller members of the party.  On the flight, sweet Shaelyn and Davia kept an eye out the window for a big yellow truck towing a minivan.  Also, a chihuahua escaped its sparkly pink carry-on home in the seat across the aisle from us, and tore off down the aisle, causing quite a scene and some quality in-flight entertainment.  (This was a highlight for Kate.)

Meanwhile, poor Kane had finally managed to get the truck loaded in Chico, and had departed for his 500 mile drive north.  He was soon able to confirm the rumors we had heard that there are a bunch of mountains between Chico and Portland.  (Maps make it look so flat!)  Driving a 22-foot truck, packed full of stuff and towing a minivan, through windy mountain roads turned out to be even less fun than it sounds.  And then the sun had to go and set, the unfortunate timing of which meant that while Kane was getting more and more exhausted and discouraged, the road was also getting darker and harder to see.  Luckily, Kane is a champ, and he made it to our new home a little past midnight.  There, Kate and the girls were already fast asleep (Kate on the couch, so she’d be sure to hear Kane knock on the door, and the girls upstairs in their cozy new beds).  The three and a half ladies of the family had touched down around 4pm and had spent the evening getting to know the new apartment, stocking the fridge with some essentials for Kane’s homecoming, and trying out the pool.

Our temporary apartment is awesome – clean, comfortable, well-equipped, and probably too nice for us.  (But don’t tell the people who got it for us that!)  Davia, who had been grumbling about the idea of us staying in an apartment for “a whole month”, had a look around the place and then asked, “Mama, can we stay here for two months instead?”  Kate is pretty sure she’ll need to be escorted out by security when our 30 days is up.  It’s just so lovely!

Kane had joked on Facebook that he thinks he earned 5 man-points for completing the moving/driving job he did.  Kate wondered how many housewife points she should be docked when Shaelyn and Davia both, separately, complained that it was hard to sleep in their new beds, because they were “too made.”

There’s probably more to tell, but this will have to do for a start.  We’ve still got lots to do!  We’ll leave you with some pictures though.

Kane and his travel companions for the long, mountainous drive.

A view of our living room, while Kate eats an apple.

Shaelyn and Davia enjoy their new room, bed no longer "too made".

Here we are! We love our new kitchen.

S and D try out the pool.

Mermaids? No, twins!

Have we mentioned they like to swim?

A happy Davia, Shaelyn exiting the pool behind her.

That’s all for now.

love to all,

K, K, S, D and t.b.  (<– t.b. = tiny baby)